How Does BJ88 Evaluate AFC Bournemouth Player Roles in Iraola’s pressing System?


In this analysis, we take a closer look at Iraola’s pressing system, a well-planned strategy that organizes players and gives them specific roles. The goal here? To build a strong unit that constantly applies pressure and breaks down opponents. By examining the principles and tasks assigned to each player, we gain a clearer understanding of Iraola’s pressing style—an approach meant to create confusion & give Bournemouth a competitive edge.

At the core of Iraola’s system are some seriously savvy triggers. They’re like the footballing equivalent of a “magic button” that gets pressed at just the right moment. They aren’t random decisions; they respond to clear signals. These signals can include the opponent’s body position, how a pass is made, or where the ball carrier stands compared to their teammates. The main aim? To push enemies into tough spots & break down their buildup play.


In this system, the striker lead the press, applying immediate pressure on the opponent’s central defenders or sitting playmaker. The striker's goal is to limit the opposition’s time & choices, forcing them to hurry their decisions or make mistakes with passes. Additionally, they set the rhythm of the press for the team.


The attacking midfielders and wingers are like the footballing equivalent of mischievous pranksters. Their job is to scramble passing lanes and pressure the opponent’s fullbacks. Their mission is clear: stop the ball from being played out wide and push opponents into crowded central areas. They also focus on aggressive pressing to win back possession quickly and start counterattacks.

Central Midfielders

In this system, central midfielders carry double responsibilities. First, they need to pressure the opponent’s midfielders, denying time & space for planning attacks. Their pressing triggers often depend on where their teammates are positioned relative to the ball carrier. Moreover, these midfielders and wingers play the role of the team’s social coordinators, seamlessly linking defense and attack.


Iraola values fullbacks for their crucial role in pressing. They need to pressure the opponent's wingers or wide midfielders so those players can’t get comfortable with the ball or turn easily. This pressure forces rivals into hurried choices or long passes, raising chances for turnovers. Also, after winning possession, fullbacks help transition quickly into attack mode.

Center Backs

Center backs might not be leading the press, but they are essential for keeping up defensive organization during pressing situations. They provide backup & support to players who are pressing and ensure that any gaps left behind are filled quickly. Their positioning & ability to anticipate moves are critical in stopping opponents from taking advantage of spaces behind the frontline.

BJ88’s Commitment to AFC Bournemouth As official sponsors of AFC Bournemouth, BJ88 proudly supports the team’s quest for excellence in the Premier League. This partnership means much more than financial backing; it shows a shared belief in success under Iraola's guidance. The BJ88 name shines in gold with a black outline on Bournemouth’s 2024/25 home kit a symbol of this strong partnership. Through this sponsorship, BJ88 aims to strengthen the club's goals both on and off the field for a bright future ahead with AFC Bournemouth.

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